Pictures of some of the best digital surreal artists around the world. Surrealist works feature the elements of surprise, fantasy and amazing art work.
Suliman AL-Mawash
Suliman AL-Mawash

Graphic designer from Kuwait, Suliman AL-Mawash is one best surreal artist in the world. He uses Photoshop for his designs. He won many awards for his exceptional talent including - gold medal in the Cairo Film Festival atheist ten of Radio and Television and Gold medal in the Gulf Film Festival in Bahrain.
Anton Semenov

Born in Bratsk, Russia Anton Semenov started graphics designing in 2007. He says he started drawing at a very early age. He has studied design for 4 years. Uses Photoshop CS for his surreal artwork that brings his imaginations into digital form. He tells that "the world around us is full of inspirational things, too bad we sometimes fail to see that". He usually creates disturbing surreal art pictures in his very unique style. His creations are more like your bad dream came to picture.
Sarolta Ban

Belongs to Hungary, Saolta Ban makes her artwork and pictures talk. The surreal art she creates uses very simple technique's but her imagination and emotions makes the pictures alive. You will find your own different meaning in her pictures.
Wojciech Toast

Some More Surreal Art Picture

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